How to shop with us
To shop at you need to go through 3 steps:
Find the products that you like to buy, place them in the basket and then click on the basket on the top right of the screen. View the desired product og click "Add to cart" Your basket in the top right of the page will now change to green. By clicking the basket in the top right, you'll be taken to your basket. | |
Enter your personal data and select how you want your order shipped and how to pay for it If you've shopped with us before you can simply log in using the login information that was sent by email. This way you don't have to retype your address. After you've entered your address or logged in, our system will recalculate what options are available to you for shipping and payment. Select how you want your order shipped and how you want to pay for the order. | |
Verify that all the info is correct, accept your terms and conditions and proceed to the payment. All the information you've entered about shipping and payment now has to be approved. To complete the order you have to accept our terms and conditions - remember to read them. Continue to payment. |