100% discretion


We do everything possible to ensure your discretion when we ship out our products.

We always your our company name, Harinweb as the sender and we always ship in discrete brown og white boxes/envelopes.

We can't offer to send your goods without a sender since this is one of the Danish laws to insuring the customer in case he or she regrets the order.

Your bank statement

Just like with the shipment, only HarinWeb will be on your bank statement. Homoware will never be written any public places.

Security of your data

You can always as to get a copy of all the informations we've registered about you as a customer and we offer to delete your information if you wishes. If you want to be deleted after we've finished handling your order please note this on the order in the comments or write us an email.

We never send out unsolicited letters or emails. All you'll recieve from Homoware are emails regarding you order and we might send a follow-up email after you've recieved your package.

All your customer informations will never be given to any third parties and all names and emails are stored with encryption in our systems.